Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Invisible Children Movement & Global Night Commute

Invisible Children is something right now that has inspired me to great lengths and I and many others are doing what we can to see that Hays and Western Kansas knows about it and has a chance to be apart of something that could stop and war and change the history of N. Uganda. We've only had 4 weeks at best but we are doing what we can to make some noise from lesser populated side of Kansas. Its been exciting thus far and we'll see what the resluts are. I hope people are aware of the rare opportunity that stands before them and take full advantage by joining in the movement.

April 27th we will have a screening of the full length DVD at 7pm in the Fort Hays Ballroom
April 28th we may have another screening TBA
April 29th the Global Night Commute takes place all over the world but here in Hays it takes place at Felten Middle School at the track

Americans are closing their eyes to open the worlds’ to an unseen war.
By lying down, we are joining the invisible children in northern Uganda, and demanding that our government put an end to the longest running war in africa, and one of the worst crises in the world today.

--Northern Uganda called the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today because of the lack of attention
--1.7 million people forcibly displaced
--AN estimated 20- 50,000 children abducted to fight as soldiers
--tens of thousands of children commuting nightly
--130 people die per day in Northern Uganda due to violence

Take a look at these links.


The response from Washington D.C.

Local info for the Hays Area

I have got to get off here if I want to graduate...
Until Dukey drops again......Much Love.....