These questions or similar ones I danced with once again a week or two ago. I was watching a movie documentary called "The Devil on Horseback". It is a violent story that saddens me for several reasons. Watch it and you will see why. I see the injustices and ask myself why suffering people have to suffer more. Its not right. Its not fair. Then to see people don't care. People who have the power to change things. The power to give the voiceless a voice and to draw attention to things that are not right and unethical.
Why does my heart break for single mothers who struggle to survive and meet her needs and the needs of her child with a food stamps as she tries to go to college? Why do the things of this world that seem impossible become the ones that burden my heart? The war on people groups based on ethnicity to cleanse the "lesser" people. And because these people or places don't have untapped raw capital of limited natural resources, fossil fuels or a growing economic base we look the other way and say that is too bad and we move on with our lives like we don't care.
Why do the weak or poor get kicked by the healthy and rich? Our selfishness and our pride will not let us say we are wrong and go against what we see. That then would make us look weak and we don't want to be like those that are perceived to be below us.
Does someone have to be a Christian if I am a Christian to help them? What if the person is Muslim or Hindu believing? Does that change my actions? It shouldn't. Is my effort to help someone or pray for someone less because they they haven't showered/bathed and stink? How about if they are Mexican, Iraqi, Black or Indian? Often times we feel comfortable taking care of our own, those we know and are comfortable with but is that the love we are taught by Christ to show? I don't think so.
Psalms 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.
Matthew 22:36-38"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment."
So why is my heart burdened with these things and thoughts? To remind me? To help open my eyes? To help others eyes to be opened to their actions? I don't know but injustice is heavy. A burden the whole world, the wealthy world with opportunity needs to quit ignoring. My question is what will it take for the world to not just notice but to act? How many people have to be burned, shot, raped, murdered, starved or eliminated for senseless reasons? How many...
Until Dukey Drops Again.....Much Love........