Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sleepless in Hays

You ever have a night where you just can't go to sleep? Its not so much that you're not tired becasue I am but that you've had some great conversation and you're pondering your dilemas, the worlds dilemas and everthing in between. You could have went on and on until the sun came up but you HAD to quit because the sun will come up and you will have to go to work. Its great but knowing that I have to work in the morning really isn't so great. And when you make yourself conclude you wish you could write everything thats in your head on to paper and pick up where you left off....almost impossible. Its just one of those moments that you just want to sit and marinate in...or at least I do.
I guess with that I'm going to marinate.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

Until Dukey Drops again.......Much Love..................


Jennifer said...

Marinating, eh? Wow...Deep thoughts by Dukey!

Just wanted to say hi. Glad you are blogging again! I love to read what's going on in Western OZ! :) I need your e-mail addy sometime. (I think all I have are old ones.)

Hugs from the Land of Lincoln!
Fern :)

Luke said...

Well looks like another night where I wish I could have stayed up for another several hours just to write down my thoughts and the conversation. Not only to remember but look at where I am today, where I was yesterday and down the road look back at where I was and what was going on. Its so good but so much to attack.
Its stuff that can only push you on further in your comprehending and discovery of who God is and who I am in conjunction with that. Great stuff! I love it!